About Weed Guide BCN

Weed Guide BCN is an informative platform dedicated to providing comprehensive information about marijuana and cannabis culture in Barcelona, Spain. Whether you are a local resident or a tourist visiting the city, Weed Guide BCN aims to be your go-to resource for all things related to cannabis.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Smoking Clubs: In Barcelona, cannabis consumption is allowed in private smoking clubs. These clubs require membership and usually offer a wide variety of strains and cannabis-related products.

Legal Regulations: While cannabis consumption is allowed in smoking clubs, it is important to be aware of local regulations. Make sure you know and respect the laws related to cannabis consumption in Barcelona.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Events and Festivals: Barcelona hosts numerous cannabis-related events and festivals throughout the year. From cannabis fairs to conferences and exhibitions, there is always something interesting happening in the city.

Local Strains: Barcelona boasts a wide variety of local strains that cannabis enthusiasts can explore. Ask the experts at smoking clubs about the most popular varieties and enjoy a unique experience.

G13 Club

G13 Cannabis Club


Paddy Plants Cannabis Club

House Of Flavours Cannabis Club


The PPHQ BCN Cannabis Club


Circulo BCN

Answers to Your Most Common Questions

Are you curious about cannabis clubs in Barcelona? Look no further! In this article, we will provide insights into the most commonly asked questions about cannabis clubs in the beautiful city of Barcelona. If you have any additional inquiries, feel free to reach out to us, and we’ll be more than happy to assist you.

Let’s dive into the frequently asked questions regarding cannabis clubs in Barcelona:

Remember, each cannabis club may have its own specific rules and regulations, so it’s essential to familiarize yourself with their guidelines. If you have further questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Happy exploring Barcelona’s cannabis scene!

Who can become a member of a club?

In Barcelona, most smokers’ clubs require applicants to be over 18 years old and have a local or national address. Some clubs may impose additional restrictions. For instance, you must demonstrate a genuine interest in marijuana and be willing to comply with the club’s rules.

Why show identification at the entrance?

Presenting identification at the entrance of a smokers’ club in Barcelona is a safety and legal compliance measure. It allows clubs to verify the age and eligibility of members. Moreover, this practice helps maintain a record of members and ensures the club does not violate local or national laws.

Is it possible to enter the club without registering?

No, it is generally not possible to enter a smokers’ club in Barcelona without being registered as a member. Most clubs require members to pre-register and present a valid ID at the entrance. This is part of the membership verification process and ensures the club complies with local and national laws.

Can tourists join a smokers’ club in Barcelona, or are they restricted to local residents?

Most smokers’ clubs in Barcelona allow tourists to join as temporary members. However, they may require a local address for registration. This can vary depending on the club and its internal policy.

How to find and select a trustworthy smokers’ club in Barcelona?

Finding a trustworthy smokers’ club in Barcelona involves researching, reading online reviews, and, if possible, getting recommendations from friends or acquaintances. The choice of a club should be based on factors such as the quality of marijuana, location, and the atmosphere you are looking for. You can also visit their websites and social media for more information.

How much does it cost to become a member of a smokers’ club?

Membership costs in Barcelona’s smokers’ clubs vary widely. In general, applicants can expect to pay an annual registration fee, which can range from 20 to 50 euros, and some clubs also charge a monthly membership fee. Additionally, marijuana product prices vary by club and marijuana quality.

Are there legal risks for members of smokers’ clubs in Barcelona?

Generally, if members comply with the club’s rules and do not take marijuana out of the club, they usually do not face legal risks. However, if a member does not comply with the rules, they could face legal consequences. It’s also important to note that laws can change over time.